Mr. LongArm 0375 Woodmates Flex Core Stain Applicator Replacement Pad

Product Description The product is easy to use. The product is highly durable and handle. The product is manufactured in china. From the Manufacturer The flex core replacement pad stain applicator combines the best attributes of a brush with those of a pad to make staining fences a breeze. Use with the Woodmates #370 flex core stain applicator. Flexible "fingers" force the pad to conform to uneven surfaces and provide a smooth finish. Our hook and loop system lets you zip pads off for easy cleaning and easily press them back in place. The Flextech foam pad holds more stain than ordinary pads, is tear-resistant and replaceable.

  • The product is easy to use
  • The product is highly durable and handle
  • The product is manufactured in China
  • Model number: 0375
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