Stanley Consumer Tools 253905 14 in. 22 Compartment Small Parts Organizer

14", 22 Compartment, Small Parts Organizer, With Removable Dividers Provide High Customization For Small Parts & Larger Hand Tools, Round Compartment Edges To Make It Easy & Comfortable To Take Out Content, Durable Construction Of High Impact, Polypropylene With Built In Grip Recess Area & Built In Ruler.

  • Small parts organizer
  • With removable dividers provide high customization for small parts & larger hand tools
  • Round compartment edges to make it easy & comfortable to take out content
  • Durable construction of high impact
  • Polypropylene with built in grip recess area & built in ruler.Specifications
  • Stanley 14 in. Organizer Black/Yellow
  • Pack of 1
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