Easy Track Ra1200 Sliding Tie Rack, 20 Hook, White

-- This handy device is mounted on a runner, which means you can install it out of the way then slide it out easily when you need access to your scarves and ties. Will store at least 24 items.--Josh DettweilerWhat's in the BoxTie rack and runner, mounting hardware Product Description Easy track tie rack, sliding, white, includes: hardware and instructions. From the Manufacturer It's simple. Thanks to Easy Track's one-of-a-kind rail system, installing your custom closet is a cinch. Just hang the rail and off you go. Plus, our easy-to-use starter kits and accessories allow you to mix and match components as much as you need. And, of course, our online 3D Design Tool allows you to map out the perfect space. Fits 24-Inch wide Easy Track Systems and makes a great laundry hamper.

  • Easy track tie rack, sliding, white, includes: hardware and instructions
  • Chrome Hooks
  • Hold up to 20 ties or scarves
  • Can be installed
  • Made in China
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