Philips IOP2P59N35I SP2403L Lamp

Intellivolt, electronic ballast, for 1-2 f72t8, f96t8, & f96t8es lamps, approved for commercial applications, instant start, high power factor, input voltage 120V - 277V, input frequency 50/60 Hertz, ballast factor 1 light 1.05, 2 light .87, ballast efficacy factor 2 light f96t8 .81 light f96t8/es.84, max THD% 10%, minimum start temperature f96t8 32 degree Fahrenheit, f96t8/es 60 degree Fahrenheit, UL listed, CSA certified, compatible with sensormatic systems, 9.50"L x 1.7"W x 1.18"H, individually boxed.

  • This are easy to use
  • This are highly durable
  • This is manufactured in China
  • Model number: IOP2P59N35I
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