Combines strong Saver shower spray with pressure compensating technology that provides consistent 1.9 gpm flow rate from 30 to 80 psi. Shower is a conical spray pattern of perfectly sized droplets for a forceful, invigorating and very wet feeling shower spray. Includes push button trickle valve. Saves over 20 percent more than other water saving Showers, complies with all water sense guidelines for water and energy conservation. Made in the USA of chrome-plated solid brass and chrome plated, installs easily with standard 1/2 inch female thread.

  • Combines strong saver shower spray with pressure compensating technology that provides consistent 1
  • 9 GPM flow rate from 30 to 80 psi
  • Shower is a conical spray pattern of perfectly sized droplets for a forceful, invigorating and very wet feeling shower spray
  • Country of origin: United States
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