KEEPER - 1” x 13’ Endless Loop Ratchet Tie-Down - 400 Lbs. Working Load Limit

For over 36 years, the Keeper brand has grown to continually meet the demands of a changing marketplace; improving cargo handling and helping mold the way the world transports cargo. We are committed to maintaining our reputation as a cargo control expert, consistently providing the highest quality and most innovative products.

  • Ratchet Tie down
  • Easy to use tie-downs simply place the webbing over the load and pump the ratchet handle to get the perfect amount of tension
  • The Hi-Test webbing is over-engineered to be extra abrasion resistant for a long, useful life
  • 1, 200 lbs web capacity
  • 400 lbs rated capacity
estimates delivery times and we work to get your item to you as quickly as possible and within those times, but please know it may take slightly longer than the estimate.