Superior Tool 03755 Socket Wrenches-6 Piece Wrench Set with Turner Bar and Handle Wire

Superior Tool 03755 Premium Tub & Shower Valve Socket Wrench Set 5 Piece includes five wrenches for socket sizes 21/32" x 27/32", 29/32" x 31/32", 1-1/32" x 1-3/32", 1-5/32" x 1-9/32", 1-11/32" x 1-7/16". Comes with a bar handle wire for easy storage. All wrenches in set are 25% longer in length than imports for access to recessed valve stems in tile covered walls. No more rounding off the edges. Polycard.

  • Includes 5 wrenches for listed sizes
  • Comes with bar handle wire for easy storage
  • All wrenches in set are 25% longer in length than imports
  • No more rounding off the edges
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