Cobra Plumbing 44030 1/2-Inch by 3-Feet Heavy Duty Toilet Auger

Product Description Cobra Products Inc., a division of Brass Craft Manufacturing Co., has been a leading manufacturer of innovative drain cleaning tools and machines since 1980. Cobra products are widely distributed across North America at leading home centers and hardware stores and are designed for ease of use by "Do It Yourself" customers. From the Manufacturer Cobra Products Inc., a division of Brass Craft Manufacturing Co., has been a leading manufacturer of innovative drain cleaning tools and machines since 1980. Cobra® products are widely distributed across North America at leading home centers and hardware stores and are designed for ease of use by “Do It Yourself” customers.

  • The product is manufactured in china
  • The product is highly durable and easy to use
  • Easy installation and easy handling
  • Toilet auger
  • Self storing metal canister
  • Plastic turning knob
  • 4 inch center
  • Heavy duty material
estimates delivery times and we work to get your item to you as quickly as possible and within those times, but please know it may take slightly longer than the estimate.