Franklin Brass FB5618PSBS 18" Grab Bar, Concealed Mount, Peened and Bright

Franklin Brass FB5618PSBS 18" Grab Bar, Concealed Mount, Peened and Bright StainlessFranklin Brass FB5618PSBS 18" Grab Bar, Concealed Mount, Peened and Bright Stainless Features: For persons up to 500 pounds Meets ADA standards 1-1/2" outside diameter, 18 gauge, type 304 stainless steel tube bar 3" round diameter flanges - 14 gauge, type 304 stainless steel Snap lock covers - 20 gauge, type 304 stainless steel 1-1/2" wall clearance No.10x2" stainless steel phillips head sheet metal screws provided

  • Franklin Brass
  • FB5618PSBS
  • Commercial Grab Bars
  • Peened and Bright Surface
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