Title: Patterns for Parties
Publisher, Publication Date: undated vintage Edison Electric Institute cooking booklet
Book Size: 5.75" x 8.5"
Pages: 31
Description: Charming little vintage cookbook for parties. This booklet is undated, but I would date it as 1950's from the illustrations and recipes included. There are party menus and then recipes -- i.e. Planned Kitchen Party, Canned and Packaged Foods Kitchen Party, Finger Food Free Lunch, etc. A few sample recipes include: Fancy Finger Foods Spread, Alma Mater Cake, Football Stuffed Eggs, Pennant Sandwiches, Frosted Eggs, Ice Cream Brick De Luxe, more!
Condition: Wear edges/corners of cover. Horizonal bend across book. Little tear about 1/4" bottom of front cover. Some white chip marks on cover, as seen in photo. Little corner bends and white chips on back cover. Thanks for shopping with Birdhouse Books.