Prepare for an extraordinary Pokemon adventure with the Pokemon Quetzal game for GameBoy Advance. This fan inspired master piece takes you on a journey to the vibrant Quetzal region, inspired by the rich culture of Central America.

Version 7.0

Built around Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Quetzal boasts a revamped battle system, introducing dynamic elements like weather effects, terrain changes, mega evolution, Z-moves, and dynamaxing. These features amplify the excitement of battles, allowing you to unleash devastating attacks and showcase your strategic prowess.

This game allows for randomization of all Pokemon and abilities at the beginning of the game. This creates interesting and unique combinations never paired together. It also creates great replay value since no two games will be the same.

The day and night cycle adds a layer of realism and unpredictability, influencing the appearance of Pokemon and triggering unique in-game events. Embrace the challenge of catching elusive nocturnal Pokemon or seizing opportunities only available during the day.

Embark on quests, tackle challenges, and explore the Quetzal region's diverse landscapes. The game rewards your efforts with items, money, and valuable experience points. Engage in side activities such as fishing, mining, breeding, trading, and online battles with fellow trainers to further enrich your adventure.

Start the Pokemon Quetzal game on GameBoy Advance today and dive into an unforgettable Pokemon journey like no other. Join the community of dedicated trainers, discover mythical creatures inspired by Central American culture, and thwart Team Jaguar's nefarious plans. The Quetzal region awaits your exploration and conquest. Are you ready to become a legend?


I have a lot of games listed for sale. If you were interested in more than 1, I have large group listings that show all of my games. I have one for the GBA, GBA Custom Pokemon ROM Hacks, and NIntendo DS Games.

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