Three Circles: Gospel Conversations for Life Teen Bible Study Leader Kit - Jimmy Scroggins with Leslee Bennett (NEW Unopened)
9781535998833 (Retail $59.99)

In the Three Circles video Bible study, Pastor Jimmy Scroggins offers teens a simple evangelism strategy to help them share the gospel of Christ. This six-session Leader Kit includes one study book, one DVD with six 5-8-minute sessions, and a digital access code for video downloads and leader resources with a $180 value.

Session 1: God’s Design
Session 2: Sin
Session 3: Brokenness
Session 4: Repent & Believe
Session 5: The Gospel
Session 6: Recover & Pursue

978-1535998826 (Retail $15.99)
Three Circles Teen Bible Study Book includes printed content for six small group sessions, personal study between meetings, applicable Scripture, “How to Use This Study,” leader guide, and other features.

- Discover how to turn everyday conversations into conversations about Jesus.
- Find encouragement in the biblical narratives of key figures throughout Scripture.
- Learn how to move past your brokenness and into a life-changing relationship with Christ.
- Discover a way of thinking about the gospel that can be seen in every Bible story and can be applied to any life situation.
- Understand that God doesn’t erase your past, but He does change your future.

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