*Jade plant is a special kind of succulent, but with thick branches and becoming woody and brown with age, therefore, it is usually called ‘tree’. It grows as an upright, rounded, thick-stemmed, strongly branched, evergreen shrub. Although appearing brown and woody with age, jade’s stems never become true lignified tissue, remaining succulent and fleshy throughout the plant’s life.
*Ripple jade or Curly jade (Scientific name: Crassula arborescens undulatifolia), is a variation of a traditional jade plant and has thin wavy leaves. This is a succulent shrub that is perfect in the home or office. It flowers with white blossoms in the Spring. When it is "happy stressed", the leaves have a deep red color around the edges.
*Jade plant is usually considered a lucky symbol for money. It is also called “Money Plant”, “Lucky Plant” and “Friendship Plant”. It can be a great housewarming gift or indoor decoration of public or private places, like balcony, window sill, office desk, or outdoor garden plants. It’s the perfect choice for those who love green but don’t have time to create a garden.
*Jade is a forgiving plant and a good choice of plant lovers. Caring for jade plant is easy. It requires little water and can survive in most indoor conditions. You can nature jade plant into a bonsai, and it can also grow into a large, beautiful shrub.