Hyssopus officinalis Decorative plant with a refreshing aromatic scent. Slightly bitter leaves are finely chopped on salad, game meats, soups and stews. Helps digestion. Essential oil used in perfumery. Showy spikes of blue flowers. The traditional use of the hyssop has primarily been as an herbal remedy for respiratory disorders of all kinds.
Botanical Name: Hyssopus officinalis.
Other Common Names: Curdukotu, hastipippili, hisopo, yanagi-hakka.
Habitat: Hyssop is native to the Mediterranean countries and temperate parts of Asia but is now widely cultivated all over the world and often used as a decorative plant.
Plant Description: Hyssop is a perennial plant from the family of Lamiaceae or the mint family. This family contains a wide variety of medicinal and kitchen herbs.
Other well-known plants in this family are for example peppermint, basil, sage, lavender, thyme, and catnip.
Like all members of the mint family, hyssop has a slender, square stem with opposite positioned leaves and can reach heights of up to two feet.
5-21 days.