Utan Tiberiu. About the antics of Nikulitse, nicknamed Bay Lomai. In Russian./Utan Tiberiu. O prodelkakh Nikulitse po prozvanyu Bey-Lomay. Color drawings by Clelia Ottone, translated by T. Berindei and E. Axelrod Bucharest Edition by Ion Crange, 1974. Poems and cheerful color drawings on every page. Clelia Ottone is one of the most famous Romanian illustrators. Illustrated books by Tudoras A. The Tale of Peas, by Mioara Cremene. Sun and snow men, Efthimiu V. All year round, Sauciuk J. Fireflies forest night. Utan Tiberiu. Cromsala. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb0fbd355e66954118.