BEST SELLERS DELECTABLES - Dulcet Best Sellers Pastry Gift Box includes 4 Red Velvet Whoopie Pies, 3 Assorted Brownies-Flavors may include Chocolate Chip Blondie, Chocolate Cheese, Walnut &or Chocolate Fudge, - 14 Lb. Assorted Rugelah- Flavors Include Raspberry, Cinnamon Sugar, Chocolate Chip &or Apricot.. Red Velvet Whoopee pies baked to perfection. ruggelach in an assortment of flavors, chunks of fudgy brownies, rocky brownies, and blondies... Wrapped in an elegant gift basket. Share the love, and share the cake Happy Holidays Dulcet Gift Baskets Gourmet Fresh Baked Pastry Gift Basket Filled with Red Velvet Whoopie Pie, 11pcs