6" powder-coated identifying letters ,Made in USA.

Add a touch of elegance to your home with these 6" house letters made of powder-coated metal by Village Wrought Iron. (A small family owned business since 1975) 


Each letter is carefully crafted  and have a baked on powder-coat finish to ensure durability and long-lasting quality.  All are 6" high, and width varries with the letter. (An -I is narower than a W)
The letters come in a wrought iron black color and are available in A to Z plus the & -ampersand.
Option L through Z do not have an option picture as site will only allow 12 photos at a time.
 Included in your purchase are mounting screws, and the mounting holes are supplied for easy installation. 
These letters are perfect for personalizing your home address, dorm room, MAN CAVE or any place that need personalizing without compromising on style. 
Don't settle for plain and boring letters; upgrade your home with these beautifully crafted ones.
Contact Chasby for multiple purchase discounts!
12" & 18" letters are also available. Contact seller for availability and pricing.
In stock and shipped in 1 Day from Cicero, NY