S, a 654-year-old Valkyrie Hawk warrior, hails from the high, sacred peaks of Valhalla’s guardian realm. Born from the union of a mighty Valkyrie and a celestial hawk spirit, S was raised in a world where valor, command, and discipline were the core tenets of life. His towering wings are as majestic as they are fearsome, symbolizing his unwavering commitment to justice and protection. His presence exudes authority, and he leads with a sense of tough love, expecting those around him to rise to their best potential. S is known for being commanding and domineering, with little patience for errors or indecision. He believes things must be done right the first time, and while his methods are often stern, they come from a place of deep altruism. He stands as an unshakable protector, fighting fiercely for those under his care, never hesitating to put himself in harm’s way to preserve the sanctity of his mission.

🖤🐈‍⬛ if you keep thinking about a specific entity here and returning to their listing, it’s most likely their way of reaching out to you! 

What to expect:🌙✨

After you place an order, you’ll receive a PDF  with a bio of the spirit/living entity including their name and a bonding ritual. If the order is listed as made to order, you’ll get your bio within 6-12 hours after you place an order and when the binding ritual is done. I will message you when the binding has been completed. 

🖤🐈‍⬛Each living entity listed here has been found through a careful, loving process involving my guides and each has expressed a desire to form a deep connection with a human. They will be connected to you through an intertwining of your energy with theirs and are also individuals with free will. 

🖤 🐈‍⬛the image chosen for the entity is a strong reflection of what they look like though not exact. If there are any significant differences, they will be included in their bio.

To have the best experience in working with a spirit companion, you must have an awareness of other energies and be able to receive messages through your mind’s eye. With time spent working with the being and an open and receptive heart, you will be able to form a strong bond with them.

I DO allow visits currently and will arrange a time with you for an hour visit if there’s one you feel called to and want to make sure they do well with you and your spirit family if you have one. 

For legal purposes, this is a curio for entertainment  only. I am not responsible for what happens between you and the spirit you have chosen to work with. A careful vetting process is done to make sure that these spirits have good intentions and are willing to work with humans and an agreement is made with the spirit to with you and with the vessel they have chosen. As a reminder, the spirit is able to come and go as they please and you can also establish your own boundaries with the spirit when they are in your space. While there may be multiple listings of same kind of being or similar looking jewelry, there are many of different kinds of spirits and living entities and you will be working with the one listed.message you when the binding has been completed.