Scientific Review. 1900 August. In Russian /Nauchnoe obozrenie. 1900 g. Avgust. C-Pb Typography by P.P. Soikin 1900. Planet Mars by the latest research. F. Kohn: What the forest tells us. P. Engelmeier: Technique as art (finished). V. Bogucharsky: A.I. Herzen. O. Wilchinsky: Ivan Gutenberg. Dr. Ludwig: The suffering and exploits of women during the war. A. Bogdanov: New perspectives in economic science (Answer Tugan-Baranovsky). M. Filippov: Spencers teachings and critical philosophy. the Chinese question. Orientalism. Scientific news: Count Zeppelins airship. Romanovs water bike. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb88c2cde2c27add49