Artist Resin UNPAINTED, cleaned, primed.
Edition of 30 Available from this listing are #4 through 30
New series by sculptor, Beverly Zimmer
Forge Hill Sculpture Resin Casting.
"Venti" size, model measures 5.75" tall and 7" long. The grounded leg is steel reinforced and very strong.
These are cast in 300 smooth cast resin. There may be some additional clean up depending on your preferences.
This Artist Resin model is a scanned down version of "Unhinged", an award winning sculpture by Beverly Zimmer.
NO enhanced AI used, this is a true sculpt.
Unusual twist on a mare in a full gallop, changing her mind and direction mid stride! What a fun model to work with! This piece is all ready for you to customize, or send to a customizer. Fully cleaned, and also primed!
PLEASE NOTE: Although some MAY be available for immediate shipment, please allow 5 weeks delivery if advised. If time is of the essence, please message me for delivery status on orders.
About the Sculptor:
Sculptor Beverly Zimmer grew up enchanted by Breyer model horses and progressed quickly into remaking them into works of art in 1980. She was selling her Breyer remakes Internationally by age 15. Following her college graduation in 1990, she settled into working full time as a professional sculptor, which included work involving horse and figurative sculpture in clay and bronze, sculpting for other sculptors, designing home decor for catalogs (3), and creating spectacular jewelry designs recognized world wide. After 32+ years, she continues creating new jewelry designs and bronze sculpture from tabletop to life size.
Modern technology has enabled the model industry to explode and many of the old school sculptors are dismayed by the AI generated model horses. However, through a job necessity, the scanning of Beverly's original works of art was done, and Beverly saw another avenue to revisit....model horses.
The Artist Resin Series offered by Forge Hill Sculpture are all original works by Beverly Zimmer. There is no computer enhancement aside from the scale of the model. Feel free to contact or do a search for Beverly Zimmer for her full line of available works in Jewelry, Sculpture, and the new Artist Resin Series of Model Horses.
Thank you