Kuprin A.I. Lunar Night. Russian Wealth. 1893. November. In Russian/Kuprin A.I. Lunnoy nochyu.Russkoe bogatstvo. 1893. Noyabr. St. Petersburg 1893 N.Arsky: Soldier and Auntie. P.A. Shafranov: Vygoretsky Old Believers hostel in the late eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth centuries. (end). N.A. Lukhmanova: Twenty years ago. From institute life. (continuation). E.P.: From the history of French journalism. (end should follow). N.Garin: Gymnasists. From the family chronicle (continuation). S.N. Yuzhakov: Issues of economic development of Russia.I-III. A.Kuprin: Lunar night (first life publication). N.P. Kozerenko: The situation of our agricultural workers. N.A. Karyshev: National economic sketches. VII: Towards the assessment of the activities of our savings associations. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb9a8424373537182c.