This listing is for a Pac-Man Card Game Vintage 1982 Board Game by Milton Bradley.  Game is complete.  


A card game derived from the popular video game.

Players form 3-card sets of cards with picture cards of the Pac-Man or Ghost characters or number cards with dots, simulating the dots which Pac-Man "gobbles up" in the video game.

Players utilize individual game boards and place cards in open spaces as defined on each board. Picture cards are placed between two number cards. If the picture card is a Pac-Man card, the two number cards which bracket it are added together.

If the card is a Ghost card, the number card on the right is subtracted from the card on the left. So opponents are allowed to place ghost cards and number cards on opponents game boards in an attempt to hinder point scoring.

There is also a Pac-Man eating a Ghost card which acts as a multiplier between the two numbers.

Players play one card per turn, and the person who reaches 100 points if the winner.

An advanced version would subtract points from the players running total if the three card combination included a ghost and the subtraction resulted in a negative total.