Popular Classical Piano Solos for Player Pianos

Choose Yamaha PianoSoft SOLO floppy disk, PianoDIsc Floppy disk, Yamaha Disklavier CD, PianoDisc CD,  USB MIDI, or USB E-seq PianoSoft Solo.

The Yamaha Floppy Disk PianoSoft format is for Yamaha Disklavier, Clavinova, and PianoDisc Player Pianos, Most all other brands like Baldwin, Suzuki, Technics, Roland, Kurtzweil, Kohler, Kawai, Casio, Adagio, Artesia, and others will require the MIDI format and a few of these models will only read a 2SHD disk. Older models will only read a 2SDD disk.

The Yamaha CD will only play on a Yamaha & PianoForce, The PianoDisc CD will only play on a PianoDisc system, They will NOT work with any other brands like QRS, Baldwin, Etc.

 If you are not sure just write with your make and model and we will try to help.

 16 CD Titles are
1 Arabesque No1  Debussy
2 Ave Maria  Schubert
3 Prelude No1 Bach
4 Clair De Lune  Debussy
5 Fantasie-Impromptu Chopin
6 Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring  Bach
7 Liebestraume No1  Franz Liszt
8 Moonlight Sonata 1st Movement Beethoven
9 Nocturne in D Flat Chopin
10 Nocturne in F Sharp Chopin  
11 Peer Gynt Suite - Morning Edvard Greig
12 Piano Sonata No 16 in C Major Mozart 
13 Rondo Capricciosos Mendelssohn
14 The Little Shepherd Debussy
15 Piano Sonata No 12 3Rd Movement Mozart
16 Waltz Op34 No2 Chopin