Tappeiner H. Pharmacology and Prescription Manual, with a special focus on Russian, German, and Austrian pharmacopoeia. In Russian /Tappeyner, Kh. (Tappeiner H.) Rukovodstvo farmakologii i propisyvaniya lekarstv. S obrashcheniem osobogo vnimaniya na Russkuyu, Germanskuyu i Avstriyskuyu farmakopei. Translated from the 3rd German edition of Dr. F.M. Shurs newly revised edition, edited and supplemented by E.I. Kotlyar, a private associate professor at the Military Medical Academy. Appendix to the Military Medical Journal. St. Petersburg. Edition of the journal Practical Medicine. 1900 VIII, 320 p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbb92ca1008e6278de