1 X Abbott Pedia Sure Complete Nutrition Growth 1-10 Years Chocolate 850g

It is a complete and balanced nutrition for children from age 1 to 10 (those special years of rapid growth and mind development).
- PediaSure® Complete & Balanced Nutritional Supplement is PROVEN Catch-Up-Growth.
- PediaSure is a child nutritional supplement that helps provide complete and balanced nutrition. It is designed to help children aged between 1-10 years to achieve optimal growth. During this period, children undergo a significant increase in physical and cognitive development.
- The new and improved PediaSure with OptiHEIGHT System contains Arginine and Natural Vitamin K2, combined with Calcium and 25 key nutrients to promote the development of longer and strong bones.
- Arginine triggers the release of Growth Factors, together with Triple Protein Complex and 25 key nutrients to support longer bone growth.
- Natural Vitamin K2 promotes calcium transfer into bones, together with 25 key nutrients to support strong bone growth.
Target group:
Suitable for children ages 1 to 10 years old and especially for picky eaters who typically:
- Eats very little.
- Very active but eats little
- Accepts only a few types of food.
- Highly selective in food intake
- Eats few fruits and vegetables.
- Refuses to try new foods.
- Disrupts or prolongs mealtimes.
- Poor appetite