There are two things of note that we will address in this manual, and one is that the Knight Templars have always been involved with Goddess traditions, and with the descendants of Mary the Magdalene and Yeshua ben Yoseph whom English speaking people call Jesus. After he had died she moved to France with their daughter, Sarah, and the Knights of the Circle were formed to protect them. Some Knights of the Circle were the founders of the Templar Order later on, and our Order founded Chivalry for the purpose of restoring the honor of women that had been so abused by the Roman Catholic Church, and especially to restore the honor due to Mary of Magdala and her descendants.


Out of the Code of Chivalry was born the qualities of a true Knight which are courage, valor, temperance, honor, self-restraint, charity, honesty. integrity, kindness, knowledge. wisdom, patience, virtue and compassion. In this course you will receive empowerments to help you manifest each of these knightly qualities in your life whether you are a woman or a man. Such qualities of good character are what is needed to help provide leadership to others as we move through the end of the current Cycle of Ages into the new Golden Age of the next Cycle.


14 empowerments in one!