Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Biological series. # 1.2 for 1940. In Russian/Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya biologicheskaya. # 1,2 za 1940 god. Journal. Under the editorial acad.Fersman A., Akad. Komarov V. M. AS USSR 1940. From the content: Ukhtomsky A.A. et al. Parameter of physiological lability and non-linear theory of oscillation. Sergeev A.M. On the philogenesis of some embryonic devices of reptiles. Gerasimova E.N. On the size of satellites of chromosomes. Kostov D. The origin and selection of wheat from the cytogenetic point of view. Serebrovskie. Experience in the study of the allobalance of pair of chromosomes by two signals. Kasparova S.A., et al. The influence of mineral nutrition on the stability of chicory. Shchepkina T.V. Methods of research and control of endoparasites of cotton fibres. Dubrovitskay Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbd45b4ac3cfad5ee5