Detlaf A.A., Yavorsky B.M., Milkovskaya L.B. Course of Physics (in three volumes). Volume 1-Mechanics. Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics. Volume 2-Electricity and Magnetism Edition 4, reworked. Volume 3-Wave Processes. Optics. Atomic and Nuclear Physics Edition 3, reworked and supplemented In Russian/Detlaf A.A., Yavorskiy B.M., Milkovskaya L.B. Kurs fiziki (v trekh tomakh). Tom 1-Mekhanika. Osnovy molekulyarnoy fiziki i termodinamiki. tom 2-Elektrichestvo i magnetizm Izdanie 4, pererabotannoe.Tom 3-Volnovye protsessy. Optika. Atomnaya i yadernaya fizika izdanie trete, pererabotannoe i dopolnenno The main material determining the content of the book was lectures by the author at the Physics Faculty of Moscow State University, lithographed back in 1935. In preparing subsequent editions, the author used the further development of his course at MIPT. Since the first edition, the book has been repeatedly revised and supplemented. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb781e95bfa8880702.