Hummer I. Krasnobryzhyy I. Petrov I. Avdeenko S. Nekrasov G. Vostokov V. Ustyantsev V. Day by day. Glebovs birches. Zorya over Bug. A duel at dawn. Your frontier. Seagulls over the sea In Russian/Gummer I.Krasnobryzhiy I. Petrov I. Avdeenko S. Nekrasov G. Vostokov V. Ustyantsev V. Den za dnem. Glebovy berezy. Zori nad Bugom. Poedinok na rassvete. Tvoy rubezh. Chayki nad morem. Ten firmy Blits. Chernye dni Serogo. Serebryanaya dudka. Dobra I. In the thistle. Kolesnikova M. V. Memory of the Diamond Mountains. Ermakov P. Over the Barsov Gorge. Kononenko I. Return. Night Jump. Kislovsky Yu. End of Wolfs Flock. Plotnikov A. Taezhnaya Trail. Mar N. The ninth day of the war. Mikhailenko A. G., Tkachenko A. K. Legend for General. Fedorov P. Field of our youth. Gordienko V. Light of my eyes. S. Gagarin-Yashchik of Pandora. Koshuta V. Black circle. Melnychuk V. Podolskaya ballad. Ivanov Yu. Maidanov I. Operation Krot. Kiselev V. The steep step. Kapitsa P. A I will remain young. Smirnov O. Salty Wind. Obukhova L. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb90d3cee71cf6a09d.