Synopsis: Based on a storyline by Douglas Adams, a civilization prepares to launch the most advanced starship every built. The Architect of the project discovers that his partners in the project, the Manager and Accountant, faced with mounting financial crises, have sabotaged the ship, sending it on a collision course with Earth. By a member of Monty Python's Flying Circus and the author of Fairy Tales; The Saga of Erik The Viking; and Crusades.

Defects: DJ has small edge dings/rubs and a small faint crinkle at back bottom; pages are slightly age-tanned; book spine ends are lightly bumped. DJ is protected in clear poly cover.

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Genre: Terry Jones Books; Adult Fiction; Out of Print Book Editions; Science Fiction Best Seller; Humorous Sci Fi; Galactic Empire; Space Opera; Used Books For Sale; Second-Hand Bookstore