Synopsis: A potential breakthrough discovery to reverse global warming...a series of unexplained sudden deaths in British Columbia...a rash of international incidents between the United States and one of its closest allies that threatens to erupt into an actual shooting war... NUMA director Dirk Pitt and his children, Dirk. Jr. and Summer, have reason to believe there's a connection here somewhere, but they also know they have very little time to find it before events escalate out of control. By the author of Sahara; Raise the Titanic; and Vixen 03.
Defects: Dust jacket has small dings/rubs; pages have light age-tanning; book spine ends are bumped.
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Genre: Epic Adventure Book Series, Must-Read Books, Action Novel, Clive Cussler Books, Dirk Cussler, Interesting Stories to Read, Second Hand Bookstore
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