1960's Electronics Magazines Full of Mid-Century Ideas for Your Future

Here are three lovely electronics magazines from the 1960's, offered individually or in multiples. 


ISSUE #1) "Electronics Experimenter's Handbook"1969 Winter Edition: Build A Psychedelic Strobe and a Police Scanner (What Could Possibly Go Wrong?) Full of fun projects for that geek with the voltage meter in his shirt pocket, and crammed full of ads for that same person!  My personal favorite ad offers the 72 page instruction book for building a full size theater-style organ!  Who knows, maybe silent films were poised to make a comeback in the '70's?  Excellent condition, no stains, fading, marks, odors, etc.  

ISSUE #2) "Popular Electronics" March, 1961 Issue: Cold War Era Electronics & All things paranoid: Castro, Irradiated Food, Microwave Health Risk ("0"), Car Alarm, Hi-Fi, HAM, CB's, SWL. Plus all those advertisements urging you to become a superstar electronic repair man. Very good condition, intact with all inserts and cards attached. Some age fading. My favorite article is the one about the safety of irradiated food! Back in the day I had a customer who ran a food processing plant and he always had a nice thick steak in a baggie sitting on his desk. And, he was always quick to tell me it was over one year old, yet was still "fresh" as could be since it had been irradiated "right off the line." He was one to pout because consumers were afraid of "nuclear food" and his profit margin wasn't going to improve without it..... 

ISSUE #3) "Electronics Illustrated" Nov 1969Excellent Condition: Intruder Alarm, CATV, Home Video, Vintage Radio Collecting, Repair Color TV, Jobs My favorite article describes how to make a "high quality" speaker out of a cardboard box for your cat. 


If Ever a Time Could Be Called "Groovy"

The 60's Would Be It! 

Hippies, Beatles, Vietnam, Nixon, Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out (not necessarily in that order), Assassinations, Moon Shots, Woodstock, and Bonanza on Color TV.  Twiggy, Pop Art, Burning Bras & Draft Cards, Selma, San Francisco, Cold War, Marches, Protests, Sit-Ins, and Be-In's. Tie-Dye, Mini-Skirts, Psychedelia, Free Love, Go-Go Boots, LASER Beams, Moogs, Underground Press, Cuban Missiles, and Jackie O. The Counterculture, The Silent Majority, The Bay of Pigs, The Berlin Wall, The Great Leap Forward, The Great Society, and The Grateful Dead. The Dave Clark Five, The Six Day War, The Chicago Seven, The Olds 88, and Love Potion #9. The Weathermen, The Troubles, The Feminine Mystique, and The Prague Spring. Decolonization, I Have a Dream, Che Guevara, Cuyahoga River, Moratorium March, Black Power, Black Panthers, Grape Boycott, Stonewall, SDS, and Law and Order. Yuri Gagarin, The Pill, Astro Turf, Muscle Cars, Telstar, Manson, Dylan, and The Peace Symbol. Medicare, The Flintstones, The Mexico Olympics, and The Amazing Mets.  Ken Kesey, Surfing Safari, Malcom X, Lenny Bruce, Cassius Clay, Nikita Khrushchev, and I'm just getting warmed up!

I entered College in 1965 and it doesn't get any more "Sixties" than that.  As today is the era of technology and instant connection, the 60's were an era of social consciousness and mind expansion. Interestingly, when asked which era people would like to relive the 60's Summer of Love is the most popular destination. But, it's not coming back, and it doesn't have to, because it already thoroughly informs and drives the culture we live in today! So, just remember the next time you are tempted to say "Okay, Boomer..." to someone who looks old that the 60's were our gift to all you wanna-be hippies and hipsters out there! And, if you'd like some relics and artifacts from that very busy decade you will always find some right here at Portland Pandemonium's The 60's Were Groovy Shop:


We Will Scratch Your Vintage Itch
