Originally introduced in the 1920s, the Black Beauty Zucchini is a standout in the world of summer squash. Recognized as an All-America Selection in 1957, this variety is celebrated for its exceptional flavor and striking appearance. Its rich, dark-green to nearly black skin encases tender, delicate white flesh that is both flavorful and versatile.
This heirloom variety is perfect for a range of culinary uses—whether fresh from the garden or preserved by freezing. Black Beauty Zucchini is ideal for stir-fries, baking, boiling, or enjoying raw. Its impressive fruit size, reaching up to 8 inches in length, makes it a favorite among gardeners and chefs alike.
Planting Information:
Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, Black Beauty Zucchini offers both beauty and bounty, making it a wonderful addition to any garden.