Pre-viewed for quality and played fine on my JVC deck until the very end credits where it had a couple of sound pops and a line. The cassette has store branded security stickers on the spine and both endcaps assuring you of first generation quality. Box has a little normal shelf wear around the edges and a liner lift on the lower right (see photo).
Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being manufactured.
After an ecological disaster, residents of Earth move to a sterile haven known as "Inworld", an enclosed biosphere where life itself is a computer-programmed dreamworld called Infinisynth (its the'Matrix'!). When survivor Judy demands answers about her missing father (accidently killing her mother in the process) she is exiled to the outside world.
There, she experiences the horrors of our future, a toxic wasteland inhabitated by Crawlers, cannibalistic mutants that raid garbage dumps. She is saved from them by Stover (Bruce Campbell) a post-nuke scavenger who survives on small animals and avoids the toxic enviroment. Both are recaptured and they want Judy to breed with their evil leader.
Most of it takes place in dark, misty tunnels, but they deliver with violent effects, spurting blood and guts, and there's a pretty good sadistic blond torturer. Angus Scrimm stands out as the underground bad guy with claws. He pulls the eyes out of a young innocent girl, pushes her into a giant meat grinder, and drinks her blood from skulls!