New Original OEM Samsung Galaxy Note3 S5 USB 3.0 Data Sync and charging Cable

Sync and charge cable.  GH39-01578A

Compatible with:
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900W8 AT&T, 
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900P Sprint, 
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900T T-Mobile, 
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900V Verizon Wireless 
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 N900R4 US Cellular phone models
Samsung Galaxy S5-All Carriers

NOT compatible with Galaxy S5 Active

This original Samsung Galaxy S5 & Note 3 USB 3.0 Data Cable allows to charge and sync data with your Samsung Galaxy S5 & Note 3.

This USB 3.0 allows for quick charger and fast data transfer. Take one for your home, office or car.
