Hosta 'Komodo Dragon'


Hostas are exceedingly popular perennials in today's gardens due to their versatility in the landscape. Their subtle colors, tall flower scapes, and broad, coarse leaves fill a niche in garden designs that few other plants can achieve. Their large leaves provide excellent coverage for dying bulb foliage. Hostas also grow well in city environments where the air may be polluted by car exhaust, etc.


Info: Our plants are grown in 5.25 x 5.25 x 5.25 inch pots and develop large root systems. These are not a small liner but a plant you can put right into your garden. That means you will get a bigger plant right away compared to a starter plant. We guarantee you will get a true to type healthy plant that you will love for years. If you have any problems or questions we are happy to help. During early spring plants may still be breaking dormancy so they may appear smaller than they will be when they fully leaf out. In Fall or Winter the plants may be dormant which means the may be losing or have completely lost their leaves.