X+Y follows Nathan, an awkward, idiosyncratic teenager, grappling with the sudden death of the one person who understood him; his father. As he struggles to connect with those around him, he is introduced to an anarchic and unconventional maths teacher who takes Nathan under his wing.

Soon Nathan finds himself selected for the UK Mathematics Squad and, against the odds, representing his country in Taipei. Over there, the academically gifted aren't bullied but celebrated, envied and even invited to parties. Nathan's rational brain can cope with the most complex of maths problems just fine, but the real test comes when he meets his female exchange partner, Zhang Mei and has to cope with falling in love; the most irrational thing of all.

Written by James Graham and directed by Morgan Matthews. Starring Sally Hawkins, Asa Butterfield, Rafe Spall, Jo Yang and Eddie Marsan.

Actors: Asa Butterfield, Rafe Spall, Sally Hawkins, Eddie Marsan, Jo Yang

Minutes: 111

Format: DVD Region 4