100 g Organic Mushroom Spawn Spores Seeds Live Mycelium on Grains Cep Porcini BOLETE Mushroom Growing at Home Fungi Culture Boletus betulicola Gift for Him.
You’ll receive:
1) 100 grams of grain spawn in a polypropylene bag.
2) Simple growing instructions (will be sent to your e-mail address).
What is grain spawn:
- Grain spawn is sterilized grains (rye, wheat, etc.) inoculated with live mycelium culture. In the spawn-production process, mycelium from a mushroom culture is placed onto steam-sterilized grain, and in time the mycelium completely grows through the grain. This grain/mycelium mixture is called spawn, and spawn is used to "seed" mushroom compost.
- Grain spawn can be stored in a refrigerator for 3 months at 4°C.
- Mycelium is quite resistant. If you are not ready to inoculate right away, you can keep grain spawn in your refrigerator.
- Be sure to use the spawn within that time so your mushrooms grow properly. The sooner you use the spawn, the more likely it is to grow mushrooms successfully.
- Once the bag is opened, spawn should be used shortly.
- Grain spawn must be mixed with bulk substrate before you can fruit it.
- When using good quality spawn, substrate and under optimum conditions, one can easily harvest 600-900 grams of fresh mushroom from 1 kilo of straw.
- The ideal temperature for a spawn run depends on the type of mushroom, but it is generally between 23 and 28 Celsius (73 and 82 Fahrenheit).
- Grain spawn is generally considered to be better for inoculating smaller substrates or fruiting blocks.
GrowFungiGarden - one of the best places to buy grain mushroom spawn for growing mushrooms!