Spice Bush (Lindera benzoin) 10-14" Tall in Quart Pot - Pond Berry

You are purchasing one Spice Bush (Lindera benzoin), also known as Pond Berry, in a 4" quart pot, standing 10-14" tall. This native shrub from the laurel family typically grows 3-4' high and 2' wide at maturity. It produces clusters of flowers before the leaves emerge, and bears short-stalked, shiny red berries with a single seed. The plant is named for the sweet, spicy aroma released from its stems, leaves, and fruits when crushed. An excellent choice for bird enthusiasts, the Spice Bush attracts over 20 bird species, including wood thrushes, which favor its berries. The shrub features deep green leaves that turn bright yellow in fall if planted in partial sun. It thrives in moist soils and can grow in both shady and sunny locations. Planting instructions are included with every order.