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Zwilling travel manicure set nail care 4 pieces black leather case.

This 4-piece nailcare set from the CLASSIC line includes everything you need for beautiful, groomed nails, all at a great value. The elegant black leather case with snap fastener securely holds nail scissors, cuticle scissors, a sapphire nail file, and a slant tweezer. The sharp nail scissors are designed for precision when cutting nails. The cuticle scissors are tapered and curved for maximum control when cutting cuticles. The file is for shaping and smoothing nail ends. And the slant tweezer makes eyebrow maintenance effortless. These long-lasting CLASSIC products are made of polished stainless steel and deliver maximum functionality and corrosion resistance.

Set includes nail scissors, cuticle scissors, sapphire nail file, tweezer slanted, leather manicure case

The high-quality ZWILLING sharpness you’ve come to expect

Expert German engineering

Ergonomically designed for comfort in the hand