SKMO Hami Melon Non GMO Asian Fruit 20 Seeds 

To speed up germination, scarify the seeds by rubbing them with sandpaper or nicking them with a nail file. Next, plant seeds at 1/4 an inch depth when temperatures are warm and humid. Keep seeds and soil moist during the germination phase (within two weeks).

Growing Conditions: Hami Melons thrive in warm, sunny climates with well-draining soil and ample moisture. Plant them in a location that receives full sunlight for at least six hours a day, ensuring optimal growth and fruit production. Provide support for the vines, as Hami Melons are vigorous climbers that benefit from trellising or other structures.

Watering and Fertilizing: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot and other problems. Water deeply and regularly, especially during periods of hot weather or drought. Apply a balanced fertilizer every few weeks during the growing season to promote healthy growth and fruit development.

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