(Internal #CR595-206) You are bidding on one SPECIAL, LARGE (WIDE MORE SUBSTAINTIAL) NATURAL twinned staurolite crystal that forms a CHRISTIAN CROSS (either a Roman, St. Andrews, or a Maltese cross). These are legally dug by hand and shovel near Fairy Stone State Park in Stuart, near the top of Bull Mountain which covers about 50 acres in Patrick County, Virginia by permit only, then the softer matrix stone is carefully filed away until just the cross remains.
Regardless of the color that you may see on your monitor, fairy stones are a natural tan/reddish brown color, with little dots of real garnet. The fairy stones will turn darker and smoother as they are worn or held, as they will absorb body oils.
It is 7/8" long, this is EXACTLY the item you would receive. We also drill these and wire as pendants (see our store).
Fairy stones are brown staurolite, a combination of SILICA, IRON AND ALUMINUM (and dots of garnet). Together, these minerals crystallize in twin form, accounting for the cross-like structure. Found only in rocks that have been subjected to great heat and pressure. Second photo is an example of the matrix that fairy stones are found in.
The rare staurolite stones are found elsewhere (such as in Russia) but not in such abundance and not shaped so nearly like crosses as those in the vicinity of Fairy Stone State Park.
Also called "Lucky Stones"
Former Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson and other prominent people of this country as well as crown heads of Europe and prominent officers and men in the European war carried one or more of these fairy stones in their pockets for luck.
In that remote mountain section of Virginia runs a legend as follows - Many hundreds of years before King/Chief Powhatan's dynasty and long before Pocahontas, the fairies were dancing around a spring of water, playing with naiads and wood nymphs, when an elfin messenger arrived from a city far away. He brought news of the death of Christ. When these creatures of the forest heard the story of the crucifixion, they wept. As their tears fell upon the earth, they crystallized into little pebbles, on each of which was formed a beautiful cross. When the fairies disappeared from the enchanted place, the ground about the spring and the adjacent valley was strewn with these mementos of the event.
For more than a century, people have held these little crosses in superstitious awe, firm in the belief that they protected the wearer against witchcraft, sickness, accidents and disaster.
See "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine" a publication by John Fox Jr., page 174. The lover gives his sweetheart one of these stones and you will note the luck it gives them.
A copy of this legend accompanies each purchase. They make a lovely Christian gift any time of the year or at Christmas, Easter and confirmations - even to yourself!
A Cherokee Indian legend of the staurolite is an ancient story, and has been passed down through many generations. It was told to us by an old man of Cherokee descent, who said that he believed the crosses are better than gold.
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