Bali Legacy, named for the island where it was created, is known for its unique yet distinctive craftsmanship. Each piece of Bali jewelry is an original work of art, handmade in the traditional Bali ways, using handheld tools. This enchanting Bali volcanic quartz (triplet) ring is no exception. This is a gorgeous ring made with an iridescent fuchsia volcanic quartz solitaire set in solid sterling silver. The large fuchsia-colored quartz gemstone is a 12mm round displaying flashes of blue. The stone is securely set in a unique multi-prong setting that is well made and quite beefy. It is stamped 925 and sized at a 9. Crafted with precision and passion, this exquisite piece speaks volumes of tradition and elegance. Its captivating design is bound to leave onlookers spellbound, making it the perfect addition to your jewelry collection.
There are a few spiritual properties to volcanic quartz that people have noted throughout the centuries. It grounds your spirit, dissipates anger, and it multiplies positive energy.