oadflax (Linaria Maroccana) - What a spectacular display of colors from Toadflax seeds. This wildflower seed is extremely tiny, but it is easy to grow and very rewarding. Native to Morocco, Toadflax, also called Baby Snapdragon, is an upright, branching annual that typically grows to 9 - 18 inches tall. Toadflax features long-spurred, two-lipped, miniature snapdragon-like flowers and small lance-shaped fleshy blue green leaves. Toadflax flowers bloom spring to fall in cool summer climates, but usually stop blooming in the heat of summer in hot climates. In the wild, the Baby Snapdragon Toadflax bloom color is usually purple-violet with a yellow blotch on the palate. Cultivars extend the color range to include shades of lavender, yellow, orange, pink, red and white, usually with contrasting color blotches on the palates. Very lovely and perfect for the front of the flower border. Hummingbirds and butterflies will visit Toadflax wildflowers often!