- You will get 500 Seeds of Lettuce Vegetable Seeds.
- Try this beautiful and delicious heirloom lettuce for a tart and colorful addition to your salad.
- This Romaine type lettuce has a bronze-red head with a green heart. The best color and flavor develop during cooler weather.
- One of the slowest to bolt, tolerates heat and is also cold hardy.
- Planting: For direct seeding, seeds germinate at low soil temperatures (40°F), but poorly above 75°F. Sow seeds 2-3″ apart, rows 12–18″ apart. Cover seed lightly, about 1/8″, and firm soil gently. Thin iceberg and romaine lettuce to one plan every 10–12″, other types 8–10″for full size heads or 6″for mini heads.
- Harvesting: Harvest leaves as soon as they're large enough to eat. Pick baby leaves for salads, or wait for maturity. To extend the harvest, pick outer leaves first and allow center leaves to enlarge. For leaf lettuces, consider using a cut-and-come-again method.