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TITLE: GQ (Gentleman's Quarterly) Magazine
[ Beautiful magazine full of features, articles, Men's fashion, beautiful women, vintage ads and MORE-- See FULL contents list below!]
ISSUE DATE: August 2007; Vol. 77, No. 6

[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

ON THE COVER: Matt Damon Photographed exclusively for GQ by Nathaniel Goldberg.

COVER: INTENTIONAL MAN OF MYSTERY There are a few things we know about Matt Damon: He's a damn good actor, and the latest Bourne flick is worth your dime. What we don't know about Matt Damon? Just about everything else. He wouldn't have it any other way BY LISA DEPAULO.

THE DEFENSE WILL NOT REST Two U.S. military officers are jeopardizing their careers to protect the legal rights of those held at Guantanamo Bay. The way they see it, justice should be blind--for everyone BY SEAN FLYNN.

THE MAN WHO WOULDN'T DIE Name another Olympic gold medalist who has survived a plane crash, an arrow through the gut, and a night stranded in subzero temperatures. Oh, that's right: There isn't one. Because as MICHAEL PATERNITI discovers, Rulon Gardner is afreak.

A MAN'S PLACE IS IN THE KITCHEN Whether you whip up masterpieces nightly or have trouble cooking toast, here's what you should know (and buy) to become the master of your culinary domain.

NO EAT TILL BROOKLYN When it comes to food, Manhattan may get all the accolades. But ALAN RICHMAN says Brooklyn--the Jan Brady of boroughs--deserves its share, too.

COOK FOR US, PADMA We love Top Chef star Padma Lakshmi. And not just because she wanted to be shot naked for this story BY ADAM RAPOPORT.

SUIT YOUR SHAPE: How to dress your best.
THE CASE FOR JOHN MAYER. Modeling Jackets!.
PLAID attitude.
THE FRONTIER OF STYLE: Actor CHARLIE COX puts a twist on Tweed.

OPEN LETTER Paris and Lindsay, it's comeback time, and we need you to bring your A-games.

THE CRITIC Because friends don't let friends watch summertime TV, TOM CARSON selects the ten best DVD box sets.
CRUSADERS These Christian missionaries travel to Indonesia in the hope of converting nonbelievers... and of catching the perfect wave. BRAD WETZLER witnesses proselytizing at its most bodacious.
EXIT INTERVIEW Former Bush adviser Dan Bartlett--a man some say was closer to the president than Karl Rove--talks to ROBERT DRAPER about the "Mission Accomplished" debacle and whether he leaves his post with any regrets.
RECKONING DAN KENNEDY officially opts out of pop culture and embraces life as a grown-up.
SPORTS KEVIN HENCH cries foul on the worst sports-movie performances of all time.

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