Animation Station - Super Mario Bros - King Koopa Katastrophe
6 Episodes - Reptiles in the Rosegarden
Sneaky, Lying, Cheating Giant Ninja Koopas
The Beauty of Kootie
Toddler Terrors of Time Travel
Reign Storm
Never Koop a Koopa
Animation Station - Super Mario Bros - Mario's Movie Madress
5 Episodes - Star Koopa
Toad Warrios
Robo Koopa
On Her Majesty's Sewer Service
Raiders of the Lost Mushroom
The Super Mario Bros Super Show!
6 Episodes - The Bird, The Bird
Butch Mario and the Luigi Kid
King Mario of Cramalot
Mario's Magic Carpet
Rollin' Down the River
The Great Gladiator Gig
Pokemon The Rise of Darkrai
Discs have not been tested and may contain scratches