Introducing the 2011 In-Ear Smile Jamaica Series Headphones, designed to elevate your audio experience:

- Enhanced Sound: Featuring an 8-millimeter driver with a neodymium magnet for unparalleled sound reinforcement.

- Seamless Connectivity: An in-line microphone enables effortless phone call management, ensuring you stay connected on the go.

- Convenient Control: Enjoy hassle-free music control with the 1-button controller, allowing you to navigate tracks with ease.

- Durable Design: Crafted with aluminum driver housing for enhanced durability, ensuring longevity in your music journey.

- Customized Comfort: Three sizes of ear tips are included, offering premium comfort and superior sound isolation tailored to your preferences.

- Superior Connectivity: Equipped with a 3.5-millimeter gold-plated connector for crystal-clear, no-static sound transmission.

Experience the perfect blend of quality, convenience, and style with our Smile Jamaica Series Headphones.

The headphones are compatible with a wide range of devices and are perfect for on-the-go listening. The earbuds are designed to block out external noise, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in your music.

With their stylish design and superior sound quality, the 2011 Smile Jamaica Jammin' In-Ear Headphones are a must-have for any music lover.

Get up, stand up!

Bob Marley is a global icon. He is a musical prophet whose words touch, move and inspire all generations and ethnicities. He used his music to spread his vision of equality, unity, authenticity, charity and sustainability. The

House of Marley is committed to delivering premium quality, eco-friendly products that embody the Marley vision. Together we can change the world.

Bob Marley es un icono global. Es un profeta musical cuyas palabras emocionan, conmueven e inspiran a todas las generaciones y grupos etnicos. Utilizo su música para difundir su viston de igualdad, unidad, autenticidad, caridad y sustentabilidad. The House of Marley esta comprometida a proporcionar productos de primera calidad, ecologicos, que contengan la vision de Marley. Juntos podemos cambiar el mundo.

Bob Marley est une icone mondiale. C'est un prophete de la musique dont les mots touchent, emeuvent et inspirent toutes les generations et ethnies. Il a utilise sa musique pour propager sa vision de l'egalite, l'unite, l'authenticite, la charite et la perennite. "House of Marley" s'engage a offrir des produits ecologiques de hautes qualites et qui incarnent la vision Marley. Ensemble nous pouvons changer le monde.

Bob Marley ist eine weltweite Ikone. Er ist ein Musik-Prophet, dessen Worte alle Generationen in aller Welt berühren, bewegen und inspirieren. Er nutzte seine Musik, um seine Vision von Gleichheit, Eintracht, Authentizitat, Nachstenliebe und Nachhaltigkeit zu verbreiten. The House of Marley verpflichtet sich der Lieferung hochwertiger, umweltfreundlicher Produkte, die die Vision Marleys verkorpern. Gemeinsam konnen wir die Welt verandern.

Bob Marley e un'icona in tutto il mondo. E un profeta della musica, le cui parole toccano, commuovono e ispirano ogni generazione e ogni gruppo etnico. Ha utilizzato la sua musica per diffondere la sua visione, fatta di uguaglianza, di unita, di autenticita, di carita e di sostenibilita. The House of Marley s'impegna a fornire prodotti di prima qualita ed eco-sostenibili, che incarnano la visione di Marley. Insieme, possiamo cambiare il mondo.