Try a new Echinacea variation featuring large, brown cones, purple petals, and slender leaves. This narrow leaf purple coneflower favorite is widely used in prairie plantings that have dry soil, and also possesses herbal properties.

All the members of the Echinacea genus are native to North America, though they are becoming more rare in the wild. The genus name Echinacea comes from the Greek word for "hedgehog," referring to the spiny seed head of the flower. Historically, this family of plants has been extensively used by Native American tribes and early settlers because of its beneficial medicinal properties. Echinacea acts as a natural antibiotic, and improves the function of the immune system; it became very popular in the medical field in the early twentieth century, particularly after the extensive researches of the German Dr. Gerhard Madaus. Echinacea is still widely used as an herbal remedy, as well as being a common and well-loved addition to perennial gardens and prairie plantings.

Sowing: Direct sow in late fall, planting Echinacea Angustifolia seeds 1/4" deep and lightly compacting the soil. For spring planting, mix the seed with moist sand and store it in the refrigerator for 90 days before direct sowing; keep the soil consistently moist until germination. Thin or transplant the seedlings.

Growing: Water seedlings until they become established. Mature plants tolerate drought well, and need well-drained soil for healthy growth. Keep competition to a minimum in the first year of growth, since this plant cannot reach its full potential when crowded by weeds. Deadheading will greatly increase blooming. After several years of growth, mature plants can be divided in late fall. This plant attracts hummingbirds, butterflies and bees as well as resisting deer.

Harvesting: For fresh flowers, cut long stems of flowers that have just opened and place them in water immediately; strip the leaves that will fall below the water.

Seed Saving: After flowering, the central cones of the flowers will develop into a spiky seed head. Since songbirds such as goldfinches love to eat these seeds, they should be harvested as soon as possible to avoid loss. As soon as the Echinacea Angustifolia seeds easily come loose from the head, cut off the seed heads. Rub them lightly to remove the seed, and store the seed in a cool, dry place

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