Do you believe damaging blockages and suppressions may be preventing your desires from manifesting correctly? The following signals are signs of wealth blocking:

- Financial anxiety

- Past Financial Trauma

- Loss of Income

- Lack of Savings

- Mood Swings

- Sleep Problems

- Low Employability

- Lack of Financial Literacy

- Panicking / Panic Attacks

- Depression

- Constant Money Thoughts

This spell will remove all your blockings and bless you with permanent wealth attraction. This will enable you to be successful in your profession with ease, be respected and climb up the success ladder. You will attract money, so finding new income streams will be easy for you. This extremely powerful dark magic spell will enable you to become rich and raise the financial standard for you and your loved ones! There is no karmic backlash and the spell is in balance with the universe so no fear or negative impact with my work.

BONUS is a 63,99% increase in chances for winning in gambling for 1 week after the spell activation. (Casino, lottery, bingo, poker, cards, slot machines, scratch cards, blackjack ...)

The spell is rooted in dark magic. Due to its complexity, the effects manifest gradually. You have nothing to fear. There will be no negative consequences for the recipient.

All spells will be cast within 24 hours after purchase. You will receive pictures of the ritual and a pdf for download and print including detailed instructions.

Only purchase if you are a 100% certain you want it. The magic can not be reversed without me !!

If you have any questions upfront don't hesitate to message me.

Disclaimer: As per Bonanza policy, all magic services are non-refundable and I also have the right to refuse a service. if you are under 18 years old. Due to Etsy's policy, I must state the following: The law requires that tarot readings, spells, and other items that fall within the realm of the paranormal may be sold for entertainment purposes only and that you must be at least 18 years of age to purchase them to buy. Nor am I responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of my spells or readings. The authenticity of the spiritual, metaphysical and magical elements cannot be verified by any scientific method or other means, therefore no results can be promised from using these products. The buyer bears all risks.

This is a digital item! You must provide an e-mail. You will be sent a pdf to print, proof of the spell and all further information to properly complete the ritual via mail.